For over 40 years Richard has been making and selling English Longbows and arrows.
Richard started out in Archery in the 60`s, using modern equipment as most people did in the sport, but he wanted to try a more traditional form, something akin to his hero, Robin Hood. But back then, buying an English Longbow was near impossible, so, it was a case of make your own, which is exactly what he did. The inevitable happened, other people in the club wanted one, so the orders started coming in, one thing led to another, and here we are. Have you always wanted to have a go at making your own Longbow? Then our bow making website will we have created the website to help people like you and preserve the 40 years plus of knowledge, we have invested a huge amount of time in making the instructional videos and filling the website with all that knowledge, sadly, the website costs money, which we cannot afford, so if you want this information to remain and if you want us to continue to produce the videos please consider donating using the donate button below...thanks!
Richard is a founder member of the Craft Guild of Traditional Bowyers and Fletchers and together with his son Philip Head have built up a world wide reputation for providing quality archery equipment.